
Oka’s Apple Pheasants

(4-6 persons)


2 (1 to 1,5 kg)  Oka’s pheasants about   2 (2 to 3 lbs)
6    medium apples, peeled   6
(2 diced and 4 quartered)
(McIntosh, Cortland)
250 ml   Cottage cheese   1 cup 
5 ml   Grinded pepper   1 ts
Salt (taste)
50 ml   Butter or margarine   1/4 cup
100ml   Calvados     1/3 cup


1. Rinse the pheasant inside and out;  dry ski  and cavity well

2. Mix the apples with the cottage cheese, salt and pepper. Fill the pheasants with mixture, fold neck skin over stuffing and sew the opening.

3. In a large casserole, heat the butter over medium-high heat; cook the pheasants until lightly browned. Bake covered, in 350oF oven for 1 hour.

4. Remove from the oven and arrange 8 apple halves (4 apples) around the pheasants.

5. Baste with melted butter. Return to the oven for a further 30 min, basting often.

6. When ready to serve, heat the calvados pour it over the pheasants and flambé in front of your guests. Makes 6 servings. Serve with the cooking stock, asparagus and will rice.

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